Chrome Pointer

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sand Hollow Triathlon

       A few weeks ago was my first race of the season, the Sand Hollow Triathlon.  It's the same race that Isaac, Steve, and I first did together in 2011.  For me that race was the beginning of my love for the sport.  Even though it was tough and I was super slow, I was hooked from then on.  This year was my fourth year in a row at this race and I am hoping to keep the tradition going and possibly get the other two to join me.

       My time this year was slower than the last 2 years, which was disappointing, but I didn't prepare as thoroughly and it was a much hotter day than years past.  Overall it was a good day though.  The average finishing time was higher this year and my swim time was my fastest yet.  So all was not lost.

       I had family there to support me and take pictures as well as plenty of people I didn't know.  There were a few members from the Salt Lake Tri Club doing the race as well as a lot of members of the Southern Utah Tri Club.  I got a great deal of shout outs from the club members out on the course.  Encouragement from anyone, even complete strangers, is always appreciated.  Anyone who has done a race and experienced that will know what I'm talking about.

Here is the race in the form of pictures:

I was there before the sun came up!

Getting my transition area all set up

Gearing up for the swim

*Bang!* and they're off!

Emerging from the water

Starting the bike

In the zone

The dismount

Refueling for the run

Warming up the legs

Full stride in the heat

6th place

The traditional post-race picture

Hopefully I learned my lesson from this race and will be more diligent in my training for the rest of the season.  I don't want to lose in October!

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