Chrome Pointer



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Open Water Swimming

Steve Crossing the Finish

Steve's St. George IM Recap

Spencer Ironman Canada

Descending on the Bike


IM Talk
IM Talk's Legends of Triathlon
First Off the Bike
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"I'm Here to Win" - Chris McCormack with Tim Vandehey
"Born to Run" - Christopher McDougall
"As the Crow Flies: My Journey to Ironman World Champion" - Craig Alexander
"A Life Without Limits" - Chrissie Wellington
"You are an Ironman" - Jacques Steinberg

Race Tips

  1. Try to down your gels with cold water (Faster gastric emptying, easier on the run)
  2. Don't get in the water too early.  Minimize your time treading.
  3. Don't rely solely on special needs bags, they may get lost.  Rely on aid stations.
  4. Wear sunscreen.
  5. Sight at the top of swells, not the bottom.
  6. Grab two cups of ice at each aid station.  One for eating, the other goes down your shirt.
  7. Heat prep for a race.  30 minutes in the sauna, with no fluids, after training, for 7 days during taper.  A rough 10 days out.
  8. Pinch the cup.
  9. Pedal through the turns.
  10. Have a backup plan.

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